Select from the categories immediately below to filter the Natsal results in the outputs on this page. You can select one or more categories and reset your filters by pressing ‘reset’.
\r\n Show filters\r\nSex
\r\n\r\nAge group
\r\n\r\nLiving with partner
\r\n\r\nSexual identity
\r\nResponse options were limited to 'gay/lesbian', 'bisexual' and 'other'
\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nParenting
\r\nIncluding adopted, step, fostered, son and daughter
\r\n\r\nThe results are unlikely to be very reliable when there are fewer than 30 participants in a filter and so search results are not displayed for this query.
\r\n \r\nThis chart shows the distribution of age at first sex among people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 as estimated from Natsal-3, taking the younger age reported by Natsal-3 participants to the following two questions.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex, or hasn't this happened?
How old were you the first time you had sex with a man* involving (genital area vaginal/penis) contact?
* if the participant is a man, else 'woman' if the participant is a woman.
\"\r\n chartId=\"age-first-sex-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.sexualDebutData\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.sexualDebutData\"\r\n :categories=\"['13-15', '16-17', '18-19', '20+', ['Not had', 'sex yet']]\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph1modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.AgeFirstSex\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.AgeFirstSexFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Age at first sex\">This chart shows the distribution of numbers of sexual partners over the lifetime for people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 as estimated from Natsal-3. It combines responses from the following two questions.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
Altogether, in your life so far, how many women* have you had sexual intercourse with (vaginal, oral or anal)?
Altogether, in your life so far, how many men** have you had sex with (that is oral, anal sex or other forms of genital contact)?
* if the participant is a man, else 'men' if the participant is a woman.
** if the participant is a man, else 'women' if the participant is a woman.
The chart shows the distribution of numbers of occasions of sex that people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 are thought to have in the past 4 weeks as estimated from Natsal-3. It combines responses from the following two questions.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
On how many occasions in the last 4 weeks have you had sex with a woman?
On how many occasions in the last 4 weeks have you had sex with a man?
This chart shows the distribution of how recently people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 are thought to have had penis-in-vagina sex as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
When, if ever, was the last occasion you had vaginal sexual intercourse with a woman*? Vaginal sexual intercourse is defined as a man's penis in a woman's vagina.
\r\n* if the participant is a man, else 'man' if the participant is a woman.
\"\r\n chartId=\"sexual-experience-1-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.lastPIVIntercourse\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.lastPIVIntercourse\"\r\n :categories=\"['Last 7 Days',['1 & 4', 'weeks'], ['between 4 weeks', 'and 1 year'], ['More than', '1 year'], 'Never']\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph4modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.LastPenisVaginaAct\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.LastPenisVaginaActFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Last occasion of penis-in-vagina sex\">This chart shows the percentage of people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 who are thought to have ever had anal sex with someone of the opposite sex as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
When, if ever, was the last occasion you had anal sex with a woman*?’ Anal sex is defined as a man's penis in a partner's anus (rectum or back passage).
\r\n* if the participant is a man, else 'man' if the participant is a woman.
Note that responses for this chart have been categorised to either 'no, never' or 'yes, at least once'.
This chart shows the percentage of people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 who are thought to have ever had same-sex sex as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
Have you had sex with a man* involving (genital area/vaginal/penis) contact?
\r\n* if the participant is a man, else 'woman' if the participant is a woman.
\"\r\n chartId=\"sexual-experience-3-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.sameSex\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.sameSex\"\r\n :categories=\"['No', 'Yes']\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph6modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.HadSameSex\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.HadSameSexFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Ever experienced same-sex sex\">This chart shows the distribution of opinions about one night stands for people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
What is your opinion about a person having 'one night stands'?
\"\r\n chartId=\"attitudes-1-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.oneNightStand\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.oneNightStand\"\r\n :categories=\"['Always wrong', ['Mostly/sometimes wrong', '(and ‘it depends’)'], ['Rarely wrong', 'if at all']]\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph7modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.OneNightStand\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.OneNightStandFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Opinion of ‘one night stands’\">This chart shows the distribution of opinions about 'extra-marital sex' among people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
What is your opinion about a married person having sexual relations with someone other than his or her partner?
\"\r\n chartId=\"attitudes-2-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.extraMarital\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.extraMarital\"\r\n :categories=\"['Always wrong', ['Mostly/sometimes wrong', '(and ‘it depends’)'], ['Rarely wrong', 'if at all']]\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph8modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.OtherPartnersMarried\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.OtherPartnersMarriedFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Opinion of ‘extra-marital sex’\">This chart shows the distribution of opinions about sex between women among people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
What is your general opinion about sexual relations between two adult women?
\"\r\n chartId=\"norms-2-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.sexBetweenWomen\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.sexBetweenWomen\"\r\n :categories=\"['Always wrong', ['Mostly/sometimes wrong', '(and ‘it depends’)'], ['Rarely wrong', 'if at all']]\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph9modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.SameSexFemale\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.SameSexFemaleFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Opinion of sex between women\">This chart shows the distribution of opinions about sex between men among people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
What is your general opinion about sexual relations between two adult men?
\"\r\n chartId=\"norms-1-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.sexBetweenMen\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.sexBetweenMen\"\r\n :categories=\"['Always wrong', ['Mostly/sometimes wrong', '(and ‘it depends’)'], ['Rarely wrong', 'if at all']]\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph10modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.SameSexMale\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.SameSexMaleFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Opinion of sex between men\">This chart shows the percentage of people living in Britain aged 16 to 74 who are thought to have ever experienced non-consensual sex as estimated from Natsal-3.
Which Natsal-3 questions does it relate to?\r\n
Since the age of 13, has anyone made you have sex with them, against your will?
\"\r\n chartId=\"age-first-sex-comp\"\r\n :originalData=\"originalDataSets.nonConsentual\"\r\n :filteredData=\"filteredDataSets.nonConsentual\"\r\n :categories=\"['No', 'Yes']\"\r\n graphModalId=\"#graph11modal\"\r\n :originalDataCount=\"originalDataCount\"\r\n hasMedian=\"false\"\r\n :noAnswer=\"noAnswerTotals.SexAgainstWill\"\r\n :noAnswerFiltered=\"noAnswerTotals.SexAgainstWillFiltered\"\r\n xAxisTitle=\"Ever experienced non-consensual sex\">